
What Happened To The Former Matatu Stages?

Mar 06, 2023
3 min read
What Happened To The Former Matatu Stages?

The vast Ziwani stage next to Kingdom Seekers now hosts a car wash after Matatus Moved back to the CBD

photo credit: JOSEPH OPENDA| NMG

The spaces where matatu stages were established in Nakuru in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic are now lying idle with very minimal activities.

This follows a move by the current County Government to allow matatus back to the CBD.

A spot check at the former Ziwani Matatu stage next to Bondeni estate revealed very minimal activities taking place.

The dusty yard has been turned into a car wash and a public toilet run by a youth group from Bondeni estate.

However, a section of it has been fenced off as the County Government prepares to set up a modern terminus.

Chris Okutoyi- the Chair of the Bondeni Self Help Group says the return of the Matatu to CBD has had a negative impact on business in the area.

Members of the group that used to earn a living from the famous ‘beba’ business are now a jobless lot.

“There is no business in this area since the matatus were relocated back to town. When we try to go to town we are now chased by county askaris,” said Okutoyi.

Eveline Waka who still operates a food kiosk at the former Ziwani stage reveals that she used to prepare 10 litres of tea then but now she only prepares 3 litres which at times becomes difficult to sell due to lack of customers.

“My business has really gone down since the matatu went to town. I could not afford the rental stalls in town and that is why I remained here at ziwani,” she stated.

Former matatu stage near Kwa Jack mortuary that has been fenced off after matatus moved back to the CBD

Photo credit: JOSEPH OPENDA| NMG

The other stage at Kwa Jack, is a no go zone with a perimeter fence done all round-an indicator that the owner of the land wants to develop it.

Sources say the land belongs to a private developer who acquired it from the defunct Municipal council.

KFA stage now an empty open space after matatus moved back to the CBD

Photo credit: JOSEPH OPENDA| NMG

At Nakuru’s KFA where there was also a matatu stage, the land that belongs to Kenya Railways now lies empty.

A visitor new to Nakuru would never believe that this empty space was once a buzz of activity.


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