Address shortage of medical personnel in Nakuru hospitals

PGH hospital contracted staff demonstrate outside PGH on June 28, 2023.
The heart breaking cases of patients narrating painful experiences at various public hospitals in Nakuru County is alarming.
A few weeks ago, a woman found medical equipment in her abdomen after a C-section at Molo sub county hospital, while another lost her 10-month old son at Nakuru referral hospital in what is seen as negligence by the medical staff.
Just because these cases are recorded many times does not mean they should be normalised.
Of more concern is that investigations point to understaffing at these facilities, leading to mistakes that have led to trauma and death in some cases.
The county’s health work force, already marred by shortage took a hit when over 700 contracted workers were relieved off their duties following the end of their contracts.
With the exit of this crucial ingredient in Nakuru’s public health scene, no plan was imminent to curb this shortage.
Reports of the remaining staff being forced to rely on inexperienced students to undertake complex medical procedures is shocking and unacceptable.
Even with this glaring inadequacies at the hospitals, it is unbelievable to hear the County Public Service Board Chairman Charles Mwai say the available number of staff are enough. From whose script is he reading from?
Surely not from Nakuru teaching and Referral Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr James Waweru or the deputy in charge at the Psychiatric Centre Mr Nyauche Otieno who both admitted to the shortage.
The County government must stop burying its head in the sand and address this issue. One year after elections, the county administration can no longer say they are getting acquainted with county activities and use that as an excuse to condone poor health services in the region.
Monies amounting to over Sh 1 billion has been used to expand, renovate and in some cases build new hospitals in different sub counties.
These magnificent, picture worthy buildings will mean nothing if the patients who will be served in them do not get quality health care.